Sunday, April 3, 2011

Two months after the release

I'd like to take a break from The Writer's Journey for this post and catch you up on the first two months after the release of my book. Previous posts talked about the process of getting published, fulfilling all the publisher's requirements, and a little about promotion planning. Now I'll finish the story or, rather, continue it.

I wanted to "hit the road running." The first thing I did was ask my Pelican publicist exactly what she does so I would not step on anyone's toes. She responded with quite a few things. Actually, I feel I have three publicists at Pelican. The two others are the School Sales Manager, who sets up school visits, and the Western Sales Manager who sets up book signings. All have done their jobs. I've also worked at each endeavor.

Recently the publicist lined me up for a blog interview at DM Speaks on the Dabbling Mum. That interview required I fill out questions which the host posted online. Unfortunately, I thought it was step one rather than the final step. I might have responded with longer answers had I known.

In addition, she contacted me about The Authors Show, a web radio broadcast. I know the three steps for this show. I filled out the first set of questions. He returned more questions designed from the first set. I have answers outlined so I can't read them in the interview. He will call this week. Then, they edit the interview to 11-15 minutes, and let me know when it will air.

The publicist sent another contact for Imagination Soup. I wrote that blog post and sent it yesterday. I'm not sure when it will appear.

I lined up several book signings on my own and learned of a couple from Colorado Author's League of which I am a member. Of the four signings, one turned out great; another was mediocre; two were not so great. I have two more at the Fort Collins Barnes & Noble, one in conjunction with a school book fair and another with two 5th grade classes for each of two schools. They will learn about the book store business from the community relations person and about writing and my book from me.

I presented to a Newcomer's Coffee, networked through Small Business Development Center, sold books at my crafts group potluck, and a political luncheon. I mentored junior high writers, did two classroom author visits, attended a writer's conference and sold books at a retirees' luncheon.

Patricia Stoltey asked me to guest blog for her. I wrote on promotion. Recently I attended an Author U talk by Dom Testa and summarized it for my writers group. The Northern Colorado Writer's director asked if she could post it on The Writing Bug. It appeared last Wednesday.

During this two month period, I contacted local school media personnel and have more author visits lined up for April 12, 13, & 14.  I'll visit another school but the date hasn't been set as yet.

I am applying to teach a workshop at a writer's conference. I forgot, I taught a writer's workshop at the Northern Colorado Writer's studio.

For two months, I put into practice the title of my conference workshop, Your Book is Released: Don't sit down, your work has just begun. 

Of the first order of 250 books, I haven't enough to cover the three scheduled visits, so I ordered 250 more. They arrive tomorrow; the bill follows in a month. Thank goodness my husband is willing to float me until the books sell. Wish me luck. I hope they sell before the year is up! 

1 comment:

  1. Great post, Linda. I printed a copy for my files; you've certainly done a lot of promotional steps that I can learn from.

